fbpx Girls Education Collaborative
The newly graded 4.5km road - next step: add raised, packed morrum

Newly graded 4.5km road. Next step: add raised, packed morrum.

The lack of a road into the 1,000 acre Kitenga School for Girls campus was very problematic during the construction phase of the facilities. Lorries got stuck, materials couldn’t be delivered, workers were waylaid. The heavy and prolonged el Nino rains made it clear that a dependable road was needed to not only ensure the delivery of supplies (and people!) once the school was opened, but to ensure access and egress for safety and security. Demonstrative of the GEC model, we listened to our partners, listened to the community and collectively realized that putting in the road was no longer something that needed to be done in the future, it needed to be done now.


The foundation for what will soon be a bridge!

Working with community leaders and stakeholders, the Sisters led a process to determine the best route into the school campus. Property owners along the road gave access to their land. Plans were drawn up to build a 4.5km raised morrum access road. About half-way along the route is a small river that is sleepy during the dry season but impassable during the rains. A bridge was needed too.

DSC_0440 copyIn May, 2016 GEC launched a fund raising campaign to Roll Out the Road For Girls. To date, $35,000 has been raised towards the $70,000 goal. GEC authorized Phase One in August: the building of the bridge (while it was still the dry season) and the clearing and grading of the 4.5km. In September we launched Phase Two – $5,000 worth of culverts and water diversion strategies so that a heavy rain won’t wipe away the work that has already been accomplished. Once the remaining funds are raised, the road will be completed— hopefully before the next season of rains which may come as early as October.

To help build the road, GIVE HERE. Every $5.00 contribution funds one foot of road!


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