Showing 6 of 108 results
June 13, 2013
This Sunday, June 16th, tune into CNN for a special showing of Girl Rising! In this film, what is identified as the absolute KEY to helping GIRLS RISE? EDUCATION! Throughout less developed nations, girls face often-insurmountable barriers to an education. From at-home responsibilities placed on them – to a lack of bathrooms for when they…
Read MoreApril 12, 2013
Stunningly beautiful Kitenga. Rich, fertile Kitenga. Friendly, vibrant Kitenga. Yet within all this beauty of its land and its people, remain destructive cultural practices that rob girls and women of their dignity, their right to self-determination. A village of about 7,500, spread out within the Tarime District of the Mara Region of Tanzania. Remote. Rural….
Read MoreApril 5, 2013
Just when I need my whole self to be in full buzzing mode, I find myself at half speed. When I get back from a project visit to Tanzania, my to-do list is a mile long; my stories, pictures and reflections a mile deep; my passion about our mission somehow even stronger than it was…
Read MoreMarch 11, 2013
The dormitory at the Kitenga School for Girls is $20,000 closer to being finished thanks to a fantastic grant award from the Catherine Bertini Trust Fund for Girls Education. One of only two grants awarded, the funds will go directly towards the construction of the dormitory – an essential piece of infrastructure for a boarding…
Read MoreMarch 4, 2013
Thanks to the amazing Lindsey at PLS 3rd Learning and to the encouragement of Magezi and Sharon, I (Anne Wadsworth, Exec. Director) am now (technically) a blogger. I do prefer the term story-teller or observer, but understand the necessity of using the unattractive ‘blog’. I’ll use this space to share with you stories I come…
Read MoreTogether, we can show the world that there’s nothing a girl can’t do.